I don't know if it is because I am clergy, or for another reason, but I had to take a picture of all the cool baptismal fonts in all these great churches I visited while in Israel and Palestine. This one to the left has hoses hooked up to it and a little white and blue box in the back. When we inquired about its purpose, we discovered this is to regulate the water temperature. Isn't that too cool! No more babies having those really wide eyes with that "what are you doing to me" look on their face. I also personally love the little shower nozzle about the font. This font is from Mar Elias Chapel.

The font to the left is at the Church in I'billin.

The one to the right is in St. Peter's Church in Jaffee.

This font is found in the Roman Catholic portion of the Church of the Nativity.
Remember your baptism and be thankful!
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